The iPhone Blog

TiPb TV 11: What do we want for iPhone and iPad in 2011?

Posted: 01 Jan 2011 07:22 AM PST

2010 is over, 2011 is upon us, and there’s just a few things we want from Apple and Steve Jobs when it comes to iPhone and iPad next year. Hardware, software, features, services, as wonderful as our current devices are, there’s still room for improvement and that’s topic for this episode of our video show, TiPb TV!

Whether it’s reducing the iPad bezel, adding one (or more!) cameras, or improving the memory, Rene and I expect a lot for iPad 2. Likewise I’m tired of the glass back on my iPhone already and want something sleeker, slimmer, and yes — way more futuristic for iPhone 5. We also want, a Files app for iOS 5, and several things they could straight out steal from Jailbreak like BiteSMS, theming, and LockInfo.

Demanding enough? Hit the video above and watch along for more, then tell us what you want in the comments!

TiPb TV 11: What do we want for iPhone and iPad in 2011?

TiPb TV 11: What do we want for iPhone and iPad in 2011? is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store.

TiPb - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Blog

What was your favourite TiPb story of 2010? [Give away]

Posted: 01 Jan 2011 07:19 AM PST

We’ve already chosen our editors’ picks for the top 10 headlines of 2010, but now we want to know our readers favourites (that’s you!). There have been so many stories that some of the best ones get lost in the mix. We have watched Apple take on Google, HTC, Adobe, Nokia, and pretty much everyone and their patent troll sue Apple. We’ve seen the releases of the iPad and the iPhone 4 and complaints about both. We got iOS 4 for iPhone and — finally! — iOS 4.2 for iPad. We’ve had the white iPhone 4 go missing and rumors of the Verizon iPhone hit the boiling point.

Okay. Bored now.

You know what my favourite story of the year was? I have to say it wasn’t really newsworthy at all but was humorous in nature. It was the rumor that Steve Jobs was stopped at the Japanese boarder for carrying ninja stars. Yes it was later found to be only fiction (perhaps) but is still makes me laugh.

What was your favourite TiPb story of 2010? Post the link in the comments below, tell us why it was your favorite, and we’ll choose three of you to receive some fabulous iPhone and iPad accessory prizes for New Years!

What are you waiting for, tell me your favourite stories!

(Valid email address required. We won’t show it but we’ll need it to contact you if you win!)

What was your favourite TiPb story of 2010? [Give away] is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store.

TiPb - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Blog

TiPb Picks of the Week: New Year’s resolution edition

Posted: 01 Jan 2011 07:11 AM PST Picks of the Week

Every week a few of us from team TiPb will bring you our current favorite, most fun and useful App Store apps, WebApps, jailbreak apps, even the occasional accessory, web site, or desktop app if the mood strikes us. As long as they're iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch related, they're fair game.

This week, we have chosen apps that will help us keep our new year’s resolutions. To see what we picked, and to tell us your pick, follow on after the break!

Alli’s Pick: WorldMate Gold

Stranded in NJ between Christmas and New Years, my New Year’s resolution is to never travel without WorldMate. It kept me far more informed as to gate changes and flight cancellations than my airline did, and was way more helpful in finding alternate flights, and hotel arrangements.

If you travel, WorldMate is a must. It is jampacked with essential travel aids. Email your itinerary from the airline or travel agent to your WorldMate account, and all your terminal/gate/connection details are at your fingertips. You can book a hotel right from inside the app, find out the weather at your destination or current location, calculate tips, convert currency, or book a limo. It even tells you who lives near your trip, so if you get stranded you know who to call for help. WorldMate – don’t leave home without it!

[$0.99 - iTunes link]

Ally’s Pick: Evernote

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to become more organized, Evernote is a must. I’ve been using Evernote for almost 2 years in conjunction with ToDo by Appigo. I’ve managed to stay organized and on top of things whether it’s work, development timelines, or simple things like groceries and shopping. While programs like ToDo can be used for projects and time sensitive affairs, Evernote is by far my favorite tool for free form note taking and remembering everyday things.

Evernote also has Mac and PC software you can use as well. We now keep all grocery lists and home tasks in Evernote. I use it to save pics of bar codes when I’m price shopping as well. I have over 50 tags in Evernote and I can filter my notes by tag. Chad and I are hardcore supporters of Evernote for a reason. It’s simplistic, powerful, and syncs seamlessly across many platforms.

Evernote is free but you have the option to add additional monthly storage for an additional fee as well. I’ve always done just fine with the free version.

[Free - iTunes Link]

Andrew’s pick: Weightbot

Weighbot is the perfect daily weight tracker for those looking to lose a few extra pounds for their New Years resolution! The design of the app is superb, with input mechanisms that come natural to the user and a top-notch UI scheme — something you’d expect from Tapbots, the team behind Weighbot and other iOS releases like Convertbot and Pastebot. If you’ve ever used other Tapbots apps, you’ll feel right at home when using Weightbot.

With Weightbot you can do cool things like check your BMI as you enter your weight on a daily basis or view your weight history on a graph by rotating your iPhone, and there are a ton of options. What I love best about Weightbot is the backup/restore system they have in place, where If you ever need to restore your iPhone or iPod Touch and don’t restore from a backup in iTunes, there’s no need to worry about losing any of your history. So if you’re trying to shed a few pounds for the new year — or even a few inches — then Weightbot is the app to help you achieve your goal. Go grab it now!

[$1.99 - iTunes link]

Brian’s pick: Bills ~ On Your Table

Bills ~ On Your Table is the perfect app to get your finances on the right track and keep track of all your bills for 2011. It supports all 170 currencies, supports auto payments, and has a lock to protect your information along with many other features. It is perfect for bills such as car payments, mortgages, credit cards and many more types of bills. It will help you keep track of what is due and when so you won’t miss a payment and it will help keep your credit and finances in tact!

[$3.99 - iTunes Link]

Chris O's pick: RunKeeper Pro

At the start of every New Year, I always have “Get Fit”, top of my list of resolutions! This year I mean it and thankfully there is an app for that. RunKeeper Pro is a great app that will let you log all your running efforts and many other activities too. It is automated by utilizing your iPhone’s inbuilt GPS. The app also allows you to upload your run data to an online service where you can view your run routes and all the statistics that you could ever need. With this app I can set some goals and start my fitness resolution off on the right track in 2011. Even better, the app is free until the end of January 2011, it is usually $9.99.

[Free - iTunes-Link]

Chris V’s pick: Lose It!

Lose It! is a nice weight loss/diet tracking app that has a nice set of robust features. A nice database of foods (both restaurants and name brand food) along with a tool for inputing your own foods is included. Exercise tracking allows you to keep track of additional caloric burning. One really nice feature is that you can join up with friends to share you weight loss progress and status, since dieting and losing weight is always easier when you are doing it with someone.

Other features include a weekly log, options for choosing specific nutrients to track, adjusting your goals, even putting on recipes and creating dropping lists based on your diet choices. The app makes it just about as easy as possible – now I just need to get off my lazy ass and do it myself!

[Free - iTunes link]

Leanna’s pick: Baby Geek

One of my resolutions for the new year is to be more organized, which means it’s time to start keeping better track of my daughter’s health habits. Baby Geek will help me do just that.

Baby Geek is a universal iPhone and iPad application that helps parents keep track of when their children eat, sleep, and get their diaper changed. You can also record the weight, height, and head circumference measurements of your child and view progress charts as well as see what percentiles your baby falls into. In addition, Baby Geek has a check off list of developmental milestones and much more.

There is no way I’m disciplined enough to keep track of all this with pen and paper, but with the help of Baby Geek, my daughter’s pediatrician may finally not be a little disappointed in me at her next appointment.

Rene’s pick: Todo

I’m remarkably disorganized for someone who’s life demands so much organization. Maybe it’s a form of rebellion, maybe it’s a cry for help, maybe it’s just my desire to impose chaos on the world around me, but my usual method for getting things done is to wait for crisis than do whatever is screaming loudest for whomever is screaming loudest. But my brain is getting softer, time is going faster, and things that need doing just won’t stop needing being done. Enter Todo.

There are lots of task management apps for iPhone and iPad and I’ve tried — and neglected to use — almost all of them. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses but most of the top ones provide all the key functionality you’ll need. My resolution is to pick one and use it. Right now Appigo’s Todo is on sale for $0.99. In a world of $10-$30 task managers, that’s a steal. (Really, I feel like I need to put a few extra bucks in an envelop and mail it to them!)

If you want to better manage your time and tasks in 2011, check it Todo.

[$0.99 on sale - iTunes link]

Your pick?

You're part of the team as well, so jump into the comments and let us know which apps will help you keep your new year’s resolutions!

TiPb Picks of the Week: New Year’s resolution edition is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store.

TiPb - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Blog

UPDATED! Warning! iPhone bugs: Alarms not working in 2011

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 06:32 PM PST

One of our Australian forum members, TrAJik let us know that his iPhone alarm failed to wake him up this morning, January 1, 2011 (Australia time) and doing a quick look around the web it seems like he is not alone.

The iPhone had trouble with repeating alarms back during the change to Standard Time so this could be the same bug rearing its ugly head again.

UPDATE: According to comments below, this affects ONE TIME ALARMS rather than recurring ones, so the opposite fix should work:

  • Tap Clock
  • Tap Edit
  • Tap your alarm
  • Tap Repeat
  • Set a repeat interval
  • Tap Save

iOS 4.2 fixed that bug. Will we have to wait for an iOS 4.3 this time? If you’re experiencing the problem and if you’ve found any other fixes, let us know in the comments below or help trouble shoot in our iPhone Forums.

UDPATE 2: Engadget confirms it’s one time alarms that are causing the problem, not repeats.

UPDATE 3: 9to5Mac says the bug fixes itself on January 3.

UPDATED! Warning! iPhone bugs: Alarms not working in 2011 is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store.

TiPb - The #1 iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Blog


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