The iPhone Blog |
- What’s the status of your free bumper case/refund?
- Potential Hiccup in iPhone 4 Free Case Program?
- iOS 4 App Updates: Foursquare, Pulse News Mini, Paypal, iTranslate, eBay Mobile
- Otterbox Defender Case for iPhone 4 – first look
- iPhone, Android, and why smartphone openness is a lie
- Apple launches free case program, app
- White iPhone 4 delayed until “later this year”
- Do Apple and carriers remember they’re launching iPhone 4 in 17 more countries next week?
- AT&T Activates 400-500K iPads 3G in Q3, using more data than iPhone
- iPad launches in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore
What’s the status of your free bumper case/refund? Posted: 23 Jul 2010 12:54 PM PDT We’re getting flooded with email and tweets about Apple automagic bumper case refunds. Looks like Apple is shifting into high gear and notifications are going out fast and furiously. Apple also launched an app today for those of you who don’t yet have bumpers so you can go claim one. Let us know what your current bumper case status is in the poll above, and give us the details in the comments. Overall, how’s it going for you? Is Apple handling this right? Is antennagate pretty much over for ya? What’s the status of your free bumper case/refund? is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
Potential Hiccup in iPhone 4 Free Case Program? Posted: 23 Jul 2010 11:05 AM PDT It’s cool that Apple is willing to give us free bumpers and cases, but their system may be a little “flawed” to say the least. After the announcement went up, I immediately downloaded the bumper app and typed in my iTunes password, it brought me to the selection screen. (By the way, is anyone else only seeing black bumpers? Where’s all the colors?!?) Seeing only black was available, I went ahead and got a black. My order processed no problem. Unless you count the ridiculous 3-5 week shipping window. Here’s where the problems begin. We have 2 iPhone 4s in our house, both linked to the same iTunes account, which I’d assume isn’t that uncommon for couples and spouses who obviously share joint bank accounts. Well,using the other iPhone 4, we downloaded the app, launched, typed iTunes password, and it told me I already had an order placed. D’oh! I called Apple to ask them what was going on and their solution was for me to just make another iTunes account for the other iPhone. To me, that’s not a solution, that just creates more of a hassle for me. It’s something I shouldn’t have to do to begin with. What would have been wrong with a process where you just enter your iPhone 4 serial number in order to redeem? Then users could do this online or from their phones. That would have been pretty fool proof in my opinion. Doing it by iTunes account is just a bad idea in general. Anyone else having this issue? Or is their system just wigging out? Apple didn’t seem to have any idea what was going on. I’m still expecting an e-mail back from a rep at Apple as to whether or not they can just process my second order for me. I’ll update if I hear anything further. Update: Apparently you don’t have to log in with an iTunes ID, it can be an Apple ID too. It does appear they are checking the serials as well. (Obviously to prevent people from logging into multiple iTunes accounts or Apple IDs on the same device to get more than one free case). I’m still curious as to why or if they’re checking iTunes accounts as well, as there really is no need if they’re going off serial. Update 2: It looks as if a lot of users are saying their orders went through just fine with the same iTunes/AppleID – perhaps it was a glitch that got worked out or a bug? Who knows, but be sure to let us know if you have issues as well. Mine eventually went through ok but we did have to use a different AppleID for the second phone. Potential Hiccup in iPhone 4 Free Case Program? is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
iOS 4 App Updates: Foursquare, Pulse News Mini, Paypal, iTranslate, eBay Mobile Posted: 23 Jul 2010 11:01 AM PDT We’re still keeping our eye out for great iOS 4 apps that take advantage of the new APIs and features available to developers under iOS4. We’ve found a couple more good ones to share with you guys, and as always, if you see any good ones, drop ‘em in the comments so we can check them out too!
Foursquare![]() Even though Foursquare has already received a general update for iOS4, it seems they're still adding new features. Along with several needed bug fixes, they've added support for in-app sms and e-mail as well as more support for iPhone 4 retina display. I was pretty disappointed in Foursquare for quite a while as far as the GPS refreshing and multitasking but it appears this version fixed most of my complaints. It's nice to see they're taking an active role in improving the overall user experience. Pulse News Mini![]() I took a look at this app about a month ago. It's still got a ways to come functionality, but its hands down one of the most gorgeous RSS apps available for iOS. I've found myself using Pulse for quick reading and using Reeder when I actually want to sit down and catch up on any missed RSS feeds I hadn't had time to read. This version adds support for the iPhone 4 retina display as well as adding some speed enhancements. It also adds a cool feature where you can bump phones with a friend that uses Pulse and share your feeds and articles. Beats e-mailing them a link for sure. Paypal![]() The Paypal app got a much needed update a few months ago that added more core functionality, but since then, it's somewhat sat stagnant beyond minor bug fixes. It appears this version adds iOS4 support but Paypal hasn't elaborated on exactly what that entails. I don't believe there is retina display support (at least it doesn't look any sharper to me). I'm assuming basic enhancements such as multitasking and better compatibility is what they've added. I had a few crashes with the Paypal app on iOS4 but since the update, it appears to be crash free. iTranslate![]() I know there's tons of translation apps out there, but iTranslate still remains one of my favorites. It's simple and clean. This version adds support for the retina display for iPhone 4 users as well as fast app switching and in-app SMS. If you're looking for a simple translator, it doesn't get any easier than this app. There’s also a plus version and in-app purchase available for text to speech. eBay Mobile![]() I've been a fan of the eBay mobile app since it came out. It's been nice to be able to browse through auctions quickly on the go. This update adds support for fast app switching and high resolution images for iPhone 4 users. It also addresses some issues as well as adding an easier Paypal solution in-app. If you haven't picked it up yet, it's free. Check it out! Hope you guys are having as much fun with iOS 4 as we are! Let us know your thoughts on these updates as well as anything you guys may stumble upon that we missed! iOS 4 App Updates: Foursquare, Pulse News Mini, Paypal, iTranslate, eBay Mobile is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
Otterbox Defender Case for iPhone 4 – first look Posted: 23 Jul 2010 09:54 AM PDT We’re planning something really fun for later in the summer and Otterbox was kind enough to send us out some Otterbox Defender Cases for iPhone 4 so we could start the prep work. If you’ve used an Otterbox Defender on previous iPhones, you know what you need to know. Same great protection, all new form factor. If you haven’t used one before, this is basically the full plate armor of iPhone protection in AD&D parlance. You have the hard plastic inner shell for structural support, the soft silicone outer skin for grip and scuff proofing, and a holster to keep it loaded and ready to go on your hip. They’re just starting to come out, so if you absolutely have to have it as soon as possible, head on over to the TiPb iPhone 4 accessory store and place your pre-order. Pictures after the break and much more to come! Otterbox Defender Case for iPhone 4 – first look is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
iPhone, Android, and why smartphone openness is a lie Posted: 23 Jul 2010 09:11 AM PDT I’ve written several times that the “openness” argument made against Apple’s iPhone in general, and by Google against Apple in particular is overblown and often disingenuous. Sure, other smartphones might theoretically be more open at the platform level, but when it comes down to manufacturers and carriers, the end user-facing openness is just not there. We’ve already been through how manufacturers can lock down ROMs, carriers can lock out side-loading and add bloat-ware, and Google themselves can remote kill apps. But we haven’t had real look at just how much of the “completely open” platforms are, you know, completely open. Enter Robert Werlinger from sibling site who is at OSCON 2010 and sat in for a talk by Aaron Williamson from the Software Freedom Law center on why open-source doesn’t always mean open on smartphones.
Bottom line, on a truly “open” Android device, you can’t even make a phone call. Eric Schmidt’s “completely open” is hyperbole when it comes to end users, even power end users. Robert sums it up nicely:
Apple’s iOS is based on the open-source, BSD-licensed Mach kernel and network layers wrapped up in a completely proprietary UI and totally closed and controlled app platform. That has advantages and disadvantages and every user — from hax0r girl to soccer dad — will have to decide what better suits their needs. Any company that thinks they can re-frame the discussion around false “openness” is in for a surprise, however, just as any user switching platforms over philosophy is going to get burned. That’s why philosophy be left out of the discussion and smartphone platforms and their backers compete with each other based on technology. In that arena, Google and their Android partners are catching up fast (even overtaking depending on who you asked). In that arena, Microsoft’s newly reborn, and proprietary Windows Phone 7 is just as interesting as Palm’s extremely open if not open-source, and newly acquired webOS, RIM’s ultra locked down, uber-secure BlackBerry as much competition as Nokia’s slowly opening Symbian. Don’t believe me? Believe the FSF. Just like cake, “open smartphones” are a lie. iPhone, Android, and why smartphone openness is a lie is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
Apple launches free case program, app Posted: 23 Jul 2010 06:38 AM PDT Apple’s free iPhone 4 bumper/case program has just gone live on the web… and in an app. (Insert app for that joke here if you really, really have to). If you haven’t bought a bumper already:
There’s also information on how to get a refund for those who did purchase a bumper already from Apple or AT&T. Have you gotten your refund yet? Or are you getting a free case? Let us know which one in comments! [, iTunes app link, thanks to everyone who sent this in] Apple launches free case program, app is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
White iPhone 4 delayed until “later this year” Posted: 23 Jul 2010 05:54 AM PDT Apple has just issued a statement on the white iPhone and it’s not good news for those still holding out for the now almost mythical device:
Anyone still going to wait? Sound off in comments… [Apple PR, thanks Jake for the tip!] White iPhone 4 delayed until “later this year” is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
Do Apple and carriers remember they’re launching iPhone 4 in 17 more countries next week? Posted: 23 Jul 2010 05:45 AM PDT Steve Jobs mentioned almost in passing during the iPhone 4 press conference last week that iPhone 4 would be available on July 30 in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland. That’s all well and good but it’s also now less than a week away and at least in Canada Apple still hasn’t updated its online store to say anything other than “coming soon”, and their carrier partners Rogers, Bell, and Telus have little more than the date. No pre-orders have been offered. No FAQs or “blogger guy” videos on how carrier upgrades or subsidies will be handled. Apple will also be selling iPhone 4 unlocked for the first time in many of the above countries but for anyone willing to pay full price there’s still the small matter of getting a MicroSIM to go with it and having that MicroSIM activated with a new or existing account. For those not eager or able to cut down their old MiniSIM, no information on that is available either. Apple has a lot on their plate right now. They’re selling iPhone 4 as fast as they can make them and if they’re having trouble supplying the few countries already launched, 17 more could be tight beyond belief. Negotiations with carriers might also be ongoing. It’s even possible Apple is trying to make sure carriers dig deep to offer early upgrades and keep data open and affordable. All of that could be going on in the back corridors and boardrooms up until the 11th hour. But it stresses consumers. A phone is a big purchase, a contract a huge commitment. Sooner is better. We’d like to know, frankly, so we can get on with the crazier aspects of impending Apple launches — will the antenna be tweaked, will white models be available? Will Apple Stores be opening early? Who’s going to have what in stock where? If you’re in one of the above countries and waiting for iPhone 4 to launch next week, let us know if you’ve been able to get any information yet. If not are you buying no matter what, or holding off until you hear? Do Apple and carriers remember they’re launching iPhone 4 in 17 more countries next week? is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
AT&T Activates 400-500K iPads 3G in Q3, using more data than iPhone Posted: 23 Jul 2010 05:25 AM PDT In addition to the 3.2 million iPhones AT&T activated on their network last quarter they also switched on 400-500K iPad 3G. What’s more:
Business Insider quips that Microsoft should look out, but given the profit share Apple has taken on iPhone and the low margins of typical PC hardware, what damage they may not do to unit sales they may well do to revenue. What’s also interesting is that iPad users are consuming more data than iPhone users though less than 3G laptop users and 75-80% are on the AT&T Activates 400-500K iPads 3G in Q3, using more data than iPhone is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
Posted: 22 Jul 2010 08:37 PM PDT Today’s the day that everyone in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore (who didn’t buy one in another country already!) has been waiting for — iPad launch day! Anyone picking one up? Waiting in line? Drop us a comment and let us know. Need help getting started with your new iPad? We’ve got your back:
iPad launches in Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore is a story by TiPb. This feed is sponsored by The iPhone Blog Store. |
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